Friday, December 21, 2012

Please choose one rule and explain why you think that rule will be important in your post-high school life.

All the rules are true and should all be taught to students. Rule 11: Be nice to nerds, chances are you'll end up working for one, is definitely be important in post-high school life. This rule is referring to those kids in class who are always quiet, but they get all A's and do all their homework. Usually these are the kids who get picked on or have a very little social life. How ever they are the ones who accomplish everything in life and start their own companies, becoming very powerful, rich, and successful. Chances are if someone bullied a nerd, who later on became a multi-millionaire of his own company, that same bully comes to the nerd looking for a job. The bully better hope the former nerd is either A, very forgiving and put the bad times in the past, or B, doesn't recognize him or remember anything that bully ever did to him. If the nerd is neither than the former bully has no chance. In other words be nice to nerds, because they will most likely be the ones signing your pay-check in the future.

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